Category: Ask a Latter-day Saint Woman
Do Latter-day Saints celebrate Halloween?
by Women Seeking Christ | Oct 31, 2021 | Ask a Latter-day Saint Woman, How We Live | 0 |
Yes, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints celebrate Halloween, but not all in the same way. And some choose not to. Find out more in this post. Learn also about how things might look different when Halloween falls on a Sunday like it does this year.
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Why don’t Mormons practice polygamy now? (LDS belief in living prophets)
by Women Seeking Christ | Jun 11, 2013 | Ask a Latter-day Saint Woman, Joseph Smith and the Restoration, Living Prophets, More About Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, The Plan of Salvation, What We Believe | 5 |
We recently received this question from a reader. Maddie writes: Do Mormons believe that God never changes? If so, I have a question: For a long time Mormons encouraged if not required polygamy. Why have you changed and now say...
Read MoreIs Jane Seymour a Mormon?
by Women Seeking Christ | Dec 26, 2012 | Ask a Latter-day Saint Woman, More About Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Who We Are | 2 |
We recently posted a video of actress/author/artist Jane Seymour appearing with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and Orchestra on Temple Square in the 2011 Christmas concert. We found through our site analytics that many people were...
Read Ad Campaign in New York City: “I’m a Mormon”
by Women Seeking Christ | Jun 23, 2011 | Ask a Latter-day Saint Woman, Church Members in the News, Who We Are | 3 |
~by Michelle Image © Intellectual Reserve Last week, the South Park creators’ Book of Mormon musical and the Tony awards got a lot of buzz in the media. This week, news in New York City (at least news related to Mormons)...
Read MoreAsk a Mormon Woman: Why Do Mormons Have So Many Kids?
by Brenda | May 13, 2011 | Ask a Latter-day Saint Woman, How We Live, Latter-day Saint Family Life | 67 |
So why do Mormons, on average, choose to have larger families? Because we want them! Also because key points of our doctrine focus on family life. 1. We believe that we lived as spirit children of our Heavenly Father before we...
Read MoreDo All Mormon Women Stay Home After Having Children?
by Brenda | Feb 23, 2011 | Ask a Latter-day Saint Woman, How We Live | 4 |
We were asked this question by Leah: Presently, I work with a very young, first time mother-to-be colleague, who is due in April. My question to you is, do first time mother-to-be Mormon women return to work after their...
Read MoreAsk a Mormon Woman: Why Are There So Many Mormon Women Bloggers?
by Brenda | Jan 20, 2011 | Ask a Latter-day Saint Woman, How We Live | 2 |
By Brenda First of all, can I tell you how much I loved the Salon article by Emily Matchar entitled “Why Can’t I Stop Reading Mormon Housewife Blogs?” Emily even described us in our own vernacular:...
Read MoreAsk a Mormon Woman: How Do Mormons Celebrate New Year’s?
by Women Seeking Christ | Dec 31, 2010 | Ask a Latter-day Saint Woman, How We Live | 0 |
~by Michelle A short answer about what Mormons do to bring in the new year is that, like many other people, we’ll throw or attend parties, or have family gatherings. Youth will sometimes have organized Church activities to...
Read MoreAsk a Mormon Woman: Do Mormons “Do” Santa Claus?
by Michelle | Dec 21, 2010 | Ask a Latter-day Saint Woman, How We Live | 8 |
Answer by Michelle** So once you know that Mormons do celebrate Christmas, a follow-up question could be what Mormons do about Santa Claus. First of all, make no mistake. The name of our church — The Church of Jesus Christ...
Read MoreAsk a Mormon Woman: Do Mormons Celebrate Christmas?
by Brenda | Nov 30, 2010 | Ask a Latter-day Saint Woman, How We Live, What We Believe | 0 |
~by Brenda* Q: Do Mormons celebrate Christmas? A: Oh yes! Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believe that Jesus Christ is the Creator and Savior of the world. We are eager along with the rest of the...
Read MoreAsk a Mormon Woman: Why Do Mormons Wear Special Mormon Underwear?
by Brenda | Nov 4, 2010 | Ask a Latter-day Saint Woman, How We Live, What We Believe | 31 |
~by Brenda** Q: Why do Mormons wear special Mormon underwear (called temple garments)? A: To Remember. Have you ever put a penny in your shoe to help you remember something? I have. Unlike a ribbon around my finger, where...
Read MoreDoes the LDS Church have info on storing non-food items?
by Women Seeking Christ | Nov 3, 2010 | Ask a Latter-day Saint Woman, How We Live | 3 |
On a past post, “Ask a Mormon Woman: Why do Mormons store food?” someone asked a question in the comments that we thought others might have as well. Following is the response from Michelle. Q: Does the LDS church...
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