~by Michelle

Yesterday, the #LightTheWorld invitation was to share an inspirational story. I shared two versions of a similar story related to little miracles that allowed me to enjoy beautiful, inspiring music during the Christmas season. Links are included so you can enjoy the music that graced my life.
#1. It was the weekend of the Tabernacle Choir Christmas Concert (last year) and without meaning to think the thought, I thought, Wouldn’t it be amazing if I could have the chance to go see Kristin Chenoweth?
Immediately, I hushed the thought, because it’s pretty much impossible to get into these concerts. Tickets are free, but they disappear within minutes of becoming available.
I was shocked when I woke up to news that my sister’s friend had two extra tickets. And so I was able to go with a sister to savor this concert. (Maybe the thought I didn’t mean to think was itself a gift?)
The concert was exquisite. And Kristin is so delightful. She even made Mack Wilberg blush. The concert included a mix of sacred and lighthearted music; moments of laughter and moments of reflection.
I’m so happy to say that this wonderful concert is available online here: https://www.byutv.org/player/3d08403c-937e-46b8-893f-68ad8ee411bc/christmas-with-the-tabernacle-choir-featuring-kristin-chenoweth-christmas-with-the-tabernacle-choir-featuring-kristin-chenoweth?fbclid=IwAR3g6DvUjDYZl4YfTqMww90YDpIEJQgwWnfUo02-YmsHJQgy_repvzT-MFo
#2. For years, I had wanted to see “Savior of the World” (a reenactment of the Savior’s life), but I have sleep and health issues that make attending such events difficult. It’s hard to commit to events that are not very close to my home because I never know from day to day what my body will be able to do.
But a couple of years ago, I got a text from my friend who had two tickets she was not able to use. Would I be interested in using them? I wanted to make this work, but was still nervous about whether I could make it happen. My sister immediately came to mind as the one to invite. She was going through a rough time and I also just wanted to spend time with her.
But she didn’t think she’d be able to go, and since I was unsure about if it would be good for me to make the effort (because there would be a physical cost in doing so).
So I simply gave it to God. If this is something that I could do and that would help my sister, please help her to be able to go. I think it was the day before the performance that she texted me saying she could go. And oh, what a sacred experience we had together.
The moving music from this performance is freely available. https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/callings/music/savior-of-the-world/download-material?lang=eng
In fact, the whole performance (script, notes, scenery, etc. can be downloaded). That’s how my church rolls…trying to make as much available as possible, when possible.
Merry CHRISTmas!