Mormon black man running for president in Mali

No, he’s not running for president in the United States. Yeah Samake is running for president in the country of Mali.

Brother Samake and his family are the only members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in this country, which is about 90% Muslim. He says that his faith is not something that is a divider in his country. What people are talking about is his service and desire to stamp out corruption in the government.

Hear more about him and his passion for education, service, honesty, integrity and faith in this video.


You can find out more about Yeah Samake and his life, professional and political background, and faith in the following articles/podcasts:

BYU Alumnus to Run for President in Mali at Deseret News

Yeah Samake Runs for President in Mali at LDS Mag

The Other Mormon President at Slate

Radio Interview: Latter-day Saint Mayor runs for President in Mali

Mormon from Mali interview at PRI

Note: This story is meant for informational purposes only (it is not meant to be a political post).