Jesus Christ teaches us that when “ye have done it unto one of the least of these, my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints takes this passage of scripture very seriously. As members of the Church, we believe it is our duty and privilege to help one another (of all religions and countries) in times of need, without expectation of anything in return. Humanitarian efforts are constantly underway all over the world: Asia, Africa, Europe, the Pacific, South America, North/Central America .
For example, recently volunteers from the Church worked with the United States navy and several humanitarian organizations on a project called Continuing Promise 2009. Traveling with a medical ship called the USNS Comfort, workers and volunteers stop at seven different countries — Haiti, Dominican Republic, Antigua, Colombia, Panama, Nicaragua and El Salvador — on a medical training and care mission.
More information on that mission can be found here at the LDS Newsroom.
This video, created last year and reporting upon the world-wide Humanitarian efforts of LDS members in 2007, shows the importance of service with love:
For more information on getting involved with humanitarian work, see here.
Also, keep your eye out here on Mormon Women in the next days and weeks as several Mormon women share how they have used their talents, resources, and interests to serve people all over the world through charitable work.