[This was accidentally left unpublished! Was scheduled for the 16th.]
Today, I’m sharing some of the songs that were shared in a virtual extended family Christmas “Songs and Stories” gathering on Sunday. My cousin had the idea and made it happen, and it was lovely. The songs and stories varied, including a favorite children’s book that a cousin and her husband both grew up with (Santa Mouse), another cousin singing “Silver Bells” to the ukelele, a family drum performance using glow drumsticks and utility buckets as the drums (that cousin is a music teacher), and so much more.
Because it was a private gathering, I can’t share the actual Zoom recording, but there are some videos out there of some of the songs that were shared, so here are a few of them.
This is an original mashup of three traditional Christmas songs, arranged by Stephanie Boyd: “Hark, the Herald Angels Sing,” “The First Noel,” and “Angels we have Heard on High.”
Stephanie has provided free sheet music for this arrangement, which is what my cousin and her family used. (My cousin’s daughter added violin to their version.)
“Where Shepherds Lately Knelt” is a favorite choral song I sang years ago with my ward (congregation) choir. I love how the flute complements the gentle message of the song.
“Gift of Love” is a favorite of my dad’s. I love the a’capella harmonies. My sisters and I sang this for my parents before they left the country for a three-year mission for our church, so it also holds a special place in my heart associated with that memory.