Discussion with Julie Beck from MMB questions

Several weeks ago, Elisa at Mormon Mommy Bloggers (MMB) posted that Sister Julie B. Beck was opening up the floor, as it were, for women to ask questions that could be taken back to her to address. Recently the discussion that ensued between Elisa and Julie Beck was posted today at the Mormon Channel.

Questions Precede Revelation: Q&A Discussion with Julie B. Beck

Sister Beck discusses such things as how questions are a gospel pattern, how to engage questions and pose them in a spirit of faith, how unity and sisterhood can help Relief Society to create a climate that is safe enough for women to ask questions. Mormon blogging is discussed. Sister Beck talks about how repetition in reading and studying scriptures and other resouces can help us get answers and gain insights — about how our life experience and the Spirit helps us engage with different lenses at different times. She also talks about the “war chapters” in the Book of Mormon and how they can be relevant to us in the battles and challenges in our lives. She gives examples of how to go to the scriptures with faith-filled questions to find answers from God.

This is how Elisa summed up their discussion:

We discuss questions, how to receive answers to questions; where questions should come from: point of faith vs. point of doubt; pornography and how to fight it- in practical terms; blogs and faith; she offered words of comfort for those who feel as though their questions are not being answered and she bore her testimony on the purpose, power and role that asking questions plays in our faith and in our religion.