Mormon youth site shares general conference highlights

The website for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has highlight videos from the 2011 April General Conference in the youth section of

Each link also includes the text from the leaders’ talks that are featured in the highlight videos. Cliips range from about 30 seconds to a few minutes long.

If you are curious about what LDS General Conference is all about, or want a simple review of talks that were given, these highlights videos are a great resource. We’ve listed the highlight video links with their titles/topics below.

Remembering the Sacrament by L. Tom Perry

The Parable of the Purse by Quentin L. Cook

What is a Latter-day Saint? by Boyd K. Packer

Face the Future with Faith by Russell M. Nelson

Achieve Your Eternal Destiny by Dallin H. Oaks

Help the Church Grow by M. Russell Ballard

From Rugby Pitch to Mission Field by Neil L. Andersen

Learn Your Duty by Larry M. Gibson

Priesthood Treasures by Henry B. Eyring

Priesthood Power by Thomas S. Monson

A Glad Message to Share by Dieter F. Uchtdorf

No Strength without Struggle by Paul V. Johnson

The Spirit of Revelation by David A. Bednar

Temple Blessings — Worth Every Sacrifice by Thomas S. Monson

Simple Expressions of Love by Richard G. Scott

You Can Meet God’s Expectations by D. Todd Christofferson

Christ is the Way by Jeffrey R. Holland

From the General Young Women Meeting:

Guardians of Virtue by Elaine S. Dalton

Kindness Begins with Me by Mary N. Cook

Be Honest and True by Ann M. Dibb

(Thanks to Larry Richman at LDS Media Talk for the heads-up about this.)

You can also find archives of the 2011 April General Conference at Text of this past weekend’s talks will be available Thursday.

Text of the talks from last week’s General Young Women Meeting are available.