Many thanks to Pauline Colton for sharing this beautiful watercolor painting with us. Below, she shares some of her thoughts about the painting, and a few of the many scriptures that came to mind as she was working on this piece. We first shared this in 2009 but the image was not accessible. We figured it was a great opportunity to re-share. Please note the image is copyrighted, and shared with permission. More information below.

Alma 37:6 “Now ye may suppose that this is foolishness in me; but behold I say unto you, that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass; and small means in many instances doth confound the wise.”
The greatest of all the gifts of God is His Son. Christ willingly and lovingly makes the blessings, the healing and the power of the atonement available to each of us. Only by small and simple means can I be in a position to partake of the atonement.
As I worked on the drawing and design of this piece, I had many scriptures come to mind. By taking note of each scripture as I recalled it, I ended up with six pages of scriptures. I categorized the scriptures by elements in the painting. Here, I include only one reference for each category:
1. Being partakers – Alma 5:62
2. Fruit – 1 Nephi 8:10-12
3. Tree – Revelation 2:7
4. Oil – D&C 33:16-17
5. Support for the lamp – Isaiah 41:10
6. Drop by drop – Deut 32:2
7. Light of the World – John 8:12
8. Light of Christ given to man – D&C 84:45-46
9. Clay lamp – Isaiah 64:8
10. Being invited – Revelation 3:20
<font=size=”1″>Copyright Pauline Colton. Picture may be reproduced and used for for personal, non-profit use.</font=size=”1″>
This is beautiful! I love imagery of how we are gathering the oil into our lamps from fruit of THE tree. It’s wonderful…