Editor’s note: I wasn’t sure where this story was going, but there’s a fun twist at the end that makes it really worth a read.  

~by Shawna

I grew up in Utah a Pentcostal Mormon hater. I used to carry my Bible in my backpack and try to “Save” everyone I could. I would pray over the high school in the mornings on the football field with my best friend.

I was not happy about being surrounded by Mormons and never ever ever thought I would join. Then my senior year of high school my parents moved me to a new school and I met, fell in love with and married my high school sweet heart I met there three years later. He was a member of the church and his parents were both converts. They loved me and welcomed me with open arms.

About two-three years into our marriage I found out that my husband the person I thought I knew was a herion addict. My life was turned upside down. I spent the next two years trying to save him for his life style that he kept hidden from so many people. I came across an LDS 12 step meeting for addicts and their family members. I started attending the meetings faithfuly and couldnt deny the spirit I felt when I was there.

I started asking my boss at work questions about the church….

Read the rest of her story here.

Shawna’s blog can be found here.