Mormon genealogy work important for LDS people

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is passionate about family history and genealogy work. And while some Mormon genealogy work does have its uniquely Mormon elements (such as the work done in Mormon temples), much of Mormon genealogy efforts go far beyond the bounds of our faith. Many Latter-day Saints involved in genealogy spend a combined total of thousands upon thousands of hours to transfer myriad microfilm records to a digital format. These records are then available to anyone and everyone at Family Search.

Recently, 25 million more records from 16 different countries were added to 55 different collections on the Family Search website.

If you are interested in learning more about how to access these records, see the Family Search website.

If you are interested in helping digitize historical records (you don’t have to be LDS to do this), see the Family Search Indexing page.

For more information about the aspects of Mormon genealogy that are more specific to our faith, you can read thoughts from Latter-day Saints here.

[Edited to add] To read some Mormon genealogy articles on our site, see the following:

Macular Degeneration Hasn’t Stopped This Mormon Genealogist

The Joys of Family History and Genealogy Work

Free Family History/Genealogy Classes Online

A Mormon Woman Finds Charm In Family History