Interfaith Easter oratorio and service project in Bay Area USA

We’ll have more to come in terms of Easter celebrations, but this is one we know starts today. Hear a stunning non-denominational Easter oratorio called “Lamb of God.” It will be performed at the Oakland Interstake Center tonight, April 16, tomorrow (April 17) and next Saturday (April 23). Lamb of God will also be performed on Easter Sunday at Cathedral of Christ the Light, Catholic Diocese of Oakland. [Edited to add] Tickets are free, but you have to get them ahead of time. Ask for will call if necessary.

Here is some information about the oratorio:

Lamb of God is a sacred musical work featuring the Temple Hill Symphony Orchestra, Choir and Soloists. It focuses on the final days of the life of Jesus Christ, His Atonement and Resurrection. It is written as a dramatic work and presented in concert format. It uses as its basis, and much of its text, the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and especially John, as found in the King James version of the Holy Bible. The work is written and composed by Rob Gardner.

Announcements about the Lamb of God performance also explains the interfaith community service project that “celebrates the gift of life”:

Interfaith Community Effort
The American Red Cross, together with the Interfaith Community of Northern California, celebrates the gift of life. Join this joyful effort of the Interfaith Community.

Over the next several months, we will implement the largest blood drive ever attempted in our nation. Our success depends on you and your willingness to encourage your neighbors to do the same. The performances of Lamb of God launch this Interfaith Community blood drive.

This ambitious effort begins at Easter time – the time when many celebrate the resurrection and gift of everlasting life. Spectacular Easter concerts mark the official opening of this community effort.

This video shares one of the songs, “Hosanna.”

Lamb of God is produced by the non-profit organization, Spire Music.