~by Michelle

You know how sometimes you read a comment that leads you to a blog that leads to another blog? That’s what happened to me last night, and I found this post:

Hard Times Don’t Last Forever

I only had a few minutes to peruse their blog, but it’s clear this young couple has been through a lot. (The young husband had a stroke in 2008.)

But in this post, the author (the wife, Summer) wasn’t writing about their own trials, but about the tragic losses she witnessed another family go through, including an unexpected death. Have you ever witnessed something like that and asked, “Why does God let bad things happen?”

Summer shares some of her thoughts as she wrestled with some of these questions.

My heart aches for the families involved in these situations. Why would anyone be asked to go through this? Is God punishing them or teaching them a lesson? The answers for me have come as I read the scriptures and prayed to the Lord asking him why.  Death is not the end of families.  And the Lord does not punish us by taking them away from us for a time. And like those involved in the accident, we are left for a small moment but then the Lord enfolds us in the arms of his mercy. I am adding a link to a video clip on overcoming tragedy and another on the belief that families can be together forever.