Since we have had a sort of theme going this week of humanitarian and charitable service this week, we thought we’d link to a few other stories about Mormon women reaching out to help relieve suffering and to serve others. Some of these are older stories, but they are inspirational all the same.

We also want to be clear that we know that Mormon women are not the only people who care about service. We are inspired by so many in and out of the Church who are motivated purely by love to help those who are less fortunate than they are, and to make the world a better place. Thank you to all of you who give of yourselves and your time to serve God’s children all over the world. If we all do a little, we can make a big difference!

In fact, the first featured story is about Muslim and Mormon women working together — and building friendships — as they serve, side by side. 

And here are a few other stories:

Mormon women work to save premature babies

Mormon Women Reach Out to Serve in their Communities and Around the World

Service Project for a Small Community Grows into Relief for the World

Sewing clothes for children in another country