A key purpose of this site is to provide a place where people can share their thoughts and feelings about the gospel of Jesus Christ. Of course, this is so readers can enjoy different points of view and experiences from members of the Church, and can understand more about how our faith impacts our day-to-day lives. This is not a discussion-driven site, so each comment can be considered a sort of mini-post in and of itself.
One way to share your voice is to write something to answer this question: How does the gospel of Jesus Christ help you in your life? (To answer, click on the link and make a comment on that post.)
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More Information on Sharing Your Thoughts
If you would like to share your thoughts, click on a topic below, and make a comment in the form provided. You can also just comment here on this page. Feel free to share experiences or insights, how the gospel (or elements of the gospel) have positively impacted your life, favorite scriptures and quotes (along with how and why they have impacted your life), etc. As Elder M. Russell Ballard has recently invited members: “Share your experiences – those from your own life – that show how your values and your faith intersect.” He gives some other ideas of what we can share:
[A]llow people to see how your beliefs lift and shape your life for the better. How does the gospel help you as a parent engage with your teens? How do your values encourage you to participate in civic affairs? How has your experience as a home or visiting teacher enlarged your compassion or care for the sick and needy? How has your Church life helped you to avoid such things as pornography and immorality? How have family councils or home evenings helped you resolve differences of opinion with members of your family? How has your experience in speaking in church helped you address large public groups? Where did you learn to respect and not to criticize other faiths? And so on.
This is a place, then, for you to share how your faith impacts your life.
While we know it is tempting, please do not share your thoughts about someone else’s thoughts. We want this to be a place where people can safely share their thoughts without fear of someone else’s analysis of those thoughts, and where each comment can be read independently.
If you are uncomfortable sharing your name, don’t worry! It’s not a requirement. You can use initials, first name only, something like ‘a sister from Florida’ or ‘a friend in Europe,’ or a screen name of your choice. Your email address is required by the software to process the comment, but email addresses do not appear on the site and will not be shared (unless you give us permission if someone wants to discuss something with you privately). Comments are moderated (we read each comment!) so they won’t show up immediately. Comments that we deem inappropriate, or comments that seek to critique or respond to others’ thoughts will be edited or deleted.
Please note also that we will remove links to personal or group blogs, so please do not include a web site URL when you comment. (But if you have something from your blog you would like to share, please feel free to send it via email as an original submission to be considered for inclusion on the site!)
Some of the posts right now are empty and are there simply to make sure there is a place for you to share your thoughts. (Don’t be afraid to be the first!) If there is a topic you don’t see here but would like to, or otherwise aren’t finding what you are looking for, feel free to send us an email at ‘mormonwoman’ AT ‘gmail’ DOT ‘com.’
Topics List:
“How the gospel impacts and influences my life”
Thank you for stepping out and calling attention to Mormon “Women” in particular, through the information provided on this website.
I too, have heeded the recent call, to participate in conversations about the Gospel of Jesus Christ out on the Internet. It has been a great experience for me personally, to share my beliefs and understandings of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints with others who are seeking for credible information.
I have had such a wonderful opportunity to engage in conversations about our LDS faith. In particular, I am finding my own voice in regards to women in the LDS Church. I love the women of “Mormondom”.
I am so proud to refer to myself as an LDS women in the Latter-Days. I personally, love the early history of The Church and enjoy helping others to understand the place of women in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saint. These women rock!
I have a firm testimony of The Gospel of Jesus Christ. I know that the Book of Mormon is a true record of Jesus Christ and that it was translated by the gift and power of God, through his living prophet – Joseph Smith Jr.
I am thrilled to have the knowledge that the same Church that was organized upon the earth during the Savior’s life, has once again been restored to the earth.
I honor those who exercise the Priesthood of God and know that because of the restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ – today – we continue to have a living prophet on the earth, Thomas S. Monson.
I am grateful for an understanding of Priesthood Keys and authority, and the fact that these powers are necessary for the Salvation of mankind.
I am so grateful for the blessings that are available through my membership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints, through the administration of those who hold the keys of power and authority in the Name of Jesus Christ.
I could go on and on, but I hope that in some way I am able to convey to those who read this, my testimony… that I love Jesus Christ and know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints is His Church upon the earth today.
It is the joy of my life to have raised my family with this knowledge and to see my own children raising their own little ones in such light.
Again, it is a pleasure to join those here in speaking out to the world about The Gospel of Jesus Christ and the women of the Mormonism today. They Rock!
Kathryn Skaggs