Quando estava no colegial (high school) eu tinha uma amiga na sala de aula que é mórmon. Estudamos juntas por 2 anos e um dia ela me convidou para um baile na Igreja, pois sabia que eu adoro dançar. Frequentei o Seminário, mas não me formei pois não era batizada ainda. Aos 19 anos decidi me batizar e logo no mesmo dia fui entrevistada para ser Secretária na Organização das Moças na Ala. Quase 3 anos após meu batismo, estava me arrumando para a Conferência da Ala quando convidei meu pai para ir à Igreja (pois ele já conhecia um pouco vendo os missionários almoçarem em casa e eu ensinando português para eles e eles inglês para mim). Na hora ele recusou, então fui embora quando poucos metros de casa ouvi o Espírito dizer: “Volta, senta e espera!”. No mesmo instante olhei para trás não vi ninguém, então voltei para casa e quando cheguei encontrei meus pais arrumados para irem à Igreja, mas quando iriam me avisar eu já havia ido embora. Rimos um pouco naquele momento e fomos os três, meus pais e eu, para a Igreja. Nessa época eu namorava meu ex-marido, com quem tenho um filho chamado Gustavo de 4 anos; ele foi quem meu pai escolheu para batizá-lo e poucos meses depois, meu pai batizou minha mãe.
Meu amor e testemunho pelo Evangelho me ajudaram para servir em uma “mini mission” pois não pude servir missão de tempo integral por motivo de saúde. Hoje, mesmo usando cadeira de rodas, sou fiél aos convênios do Templo, o local mais especial que pude estar.
Amo Jesus Cristo; amo nosso Pai Celestial e sei que o que passo aqui nesta Terra não é para me entristecer, mas sim ser grata por ser a Filha de um Rei.
I am happy, ´cause I am child of God!
When I was in high school, I had a friend in my class who was Mormon. We studied together for 2 years and one day she invited me to a Church dance because she knew that I love to dance. I went to seminary [youth scripture study class for those 14 and up), but I didn’t graduate because I wasn’t baptized yet. At the age of 19, I decided to get baptized and later that same day I was interviewed to become the ward Young Women’s secretary. About 3 years after my baptism, I was getting ready for Ward Conference when I invited my father to go to church with me (he was already somewhat familiar with the church since he had seen the missionaries having lunch with us at home and had seen me teaching them Portuguese and them teaching me English). He initially said no, so I left, but had not gotten more than a few meters from the house, when I heard the Spirit say, “Turn around, sit and wait” I looked behind me and saw no one, so I returned home and when I arrived, I found my parents getting ready to go to church. They had come to tell me they’d changed their minds, but I had already left. We laughed about that a little and went, the three of us, my parents and I, to church. At the time, I was dating the man who is now my ex-husband, with whom I have a four year old son, Gustavo. It was he who my father chose to baptize him a few months later. And then my father baptized my mother.
My love and testimony of the gospel help me to serve a mini mission because I was unable to serve a full-time mission for health reasons. Today, I use a wheel chair and I am faithful to my temple covenants, the most special place that could exist anywhere.
I love Jesus Christ; I love Heavenly Father and I know that what I go through in this life isn’t supposed to make me sad, but instead to be grateful to be the daughter of a King.
For more Portraits of Mormon Women, please click here.
Wow, it was so great to read about your experiences Camilla. I loved that on the day of your baptism you were interviewed to be a secretary in the Young Women program. What a great first calling to have.
Thank you so much, sister.
Camilla, thank you so much for sharing this with us. Your faith shines through your words, and through your face.
I loved your last line: “I am happy, ´cause I am child of God!”
And I love the notion of being the daughter of a King. To know who we are — it’s one of the most glorious truths of the gospel.
Thank you, Camilla. It is beautiful to read of your sincerity in both languages and your devotion comes through your writing very strongly. There are many people much older than yourself who still have not found the certainty of faith and the good philosophy of life that you possess at a young age. May the Lord continue to richly bless you and your family !
I’ve met Camilla through a yahoo group for Brazillian LDS Women and we met in person this year in Sao Paulo/Brazil. She’s one of the sweetest and strongest person I’ve ever met and I love her dearly. I’m so grateful for the blessing of having her as my friend.
I love you Danielle… I´m blessed to know you, to be you personal friend.
Michelle: You´re a sweet woman and so patience too!
Sister Gloria, thanks for your words! I am grateful to know wonderful women, like you. =)