This week we share a link to wonderful testimony of the power of prayer. Please, go and review it. Then, return and share your thoughts with us.
“A few months ago Chris and I had decided to go to Mexico City for his brother’s wedding party. We had a deadline for getting the tickets. We needed to purchase them by March 31st in order to get the deal that we wanted through Alaska Air. Our deadline was approaching and each day I would ask Chris if he had purchased the tickets that day. He would say, “no, not yet.” I would just nod my head and think about my reservations that I had with going…” Read more here.
What a great story!
It’s always wonderful when we get to find out the reason behind a particular answer to a prayer (be it a “yes”, a “no”, or a “not right now” answer). I know I have had prayers answered in the same way –but I don’t always know the “why.” It’s so fabulous when I do, though!
Interestingly, I had a friend recently in a car accident. She wondered if maybe she had missed some inspiration that might have allowed her to avoid the accident. She later received inspiration that let her know that God was aware of what had happened. I found it interesting to ponder the fact that His answers won’t always mean protection from pain.
But sometimes they will, as this story illustrates. Clearly, God is involved in our lives, and learning to trust His love and answers to me is one of the greatest learning experiences of this life. I’m inspired to read stories like this because they strengthen my desire to be more open to things not ‘making sense’ and letting the Lord guide me more in my life. We just never know what He might be doing in the background and what wonders can unfold as we lean on Him.