Star of Bethlehem

My favorite way to engage the Christmas season is to ponder how the Christmas story relates to me in my life. Today. Now.

For example, I have a post brewing in my head about the simple phrase that appears in the Christmas story more than once: “Fear not.” (I hope to write that post soon, especially given the fear that can be stirred by headlines like the tragedy in San Bernadino yesterday. My thoughts and prayers are with all who were affected personally, and for all of us as we process yet another act of senseless violence.)

There is so much symbolism in all the different elements of the Christmas story.

I’m grateful to share a beautiful, simple Christmas song, written by Shawna Edwards, that ponders the message of the Star of Bethlehem. There is endless truth in the message that Jesus Christ is the Light of the World, and can be the Light in our individual dark times.

As in the past, Shawna is offering a free MP3 of the music, at The Star Still Shines.

“The Star Still Shines” is sung by David Osmond. Tyler Castleton arranged the song.