mormon church hymns about Jesus Christ

In church yesterday, as I was singing the sacrament hymn, “Reverently and Meekly Now”….something struck me about the words.

And as those precious deacons were humbly representing the Savior, offering all, one by one, to partake of the bread and water, my eyes were busily searching all the sacrament hymns in the hymn book.

Did you know there are 30 of them?

Did you know that all but one speak from our own point of view?

Example:  “I stand all amazed at the love Jesus offers me….” or “Upon the cross of Calvary they crucified our Lord….” or “With humble heart I bow my head and think of thee, oh Savior, Lord….

See how the words in those hymns we sing are as if we are speaking them ourselves?

There is only one that is from the Savior’s own personal point of view.

Just one.

Rev’rently and meekly now, Let thy head most humbly bow. Think of me, thou  ransomed one; Think what I for thee have done. With my blood that dripped  like rain, Sweat in agony of pain, With my body on the tree I have  ransomed even thee.
In this bread now blest for thee, Emblem of my  body see; In this water or this wine, Emblem of my blood divine. Oh,  remember what was done That the sinner might be won. On the cross of  Calvary I have suffered death for thee.
Bid thine heart all strife to  cease; With thy brethren be at peace. Oh, forgive as thou wouldst  be E’en forgiven now by me. In the solemn faith of prayer Cast upon me  all thy care, And my Spirit’s grace shall be Like a fountain unto  thee.
At the throne I intercede; For thee ever do I plead. I have  loved thee as thy friend, With a love that cannot end. Be obedient, I  implore, Prayerful, watchful evermore, And be constant unto me, That  thy Savior I may be.

I will never look at this hymn the same way as I did before.  Never.  Every time I sing it I will picture His voice…..His face…..His eyes looking into mine…..pleading for me to never forget.

To always remember.

I am never alone.

He has suffered all so that I don’t have to.

He loves me.  Me.