pondering the nativity: the annunciation

~by Jocelyn

Editor’s note: This week, we’ll be sharing posts that reflect on different parts of the Nativity. This post is for all of those women who in their own way are struggling to sort through God’s plan for them, wanting to be willing to submit to God’s will, wanting to understand, wanting to have faith — but sometimes just struggling. Maybe your struggle is similar to Jocelyn’s, in aching for the blessing of having a child (or another child). Perhaps your struggle involves something different. But no matter the struggle, I think Jocelyn beautifully brings Mary’s story into focus as she applies Mary’s example of faith and humility to her own current situation.

Christmas is the season of babies and children and every conversation seems to remind me that I might not ever have more children. And that is hard for me right now.
My conscious self is constantly battling my emotional self.

I want to prove to myself that I trust God and his plan for me by not feeling sad.

But that is so much easier said than done….

Read the rest of Jocelyn’s post at her blog, “We Talk of Christ, We Rejoice in Christ“: Behold the Handmaid of the Lord…” (and read her follow-up post here about the tender mercies that helped her find peace.

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Watch a Bible video that portrays the Annunciation: