Stories of women married to porn addicts

Bethany and her husband made a decision together to share their story about his pornography addiction, how it has affected their lives, and how they are working toward healing. Bethany writes:

If you would have asked me before this actually happened, I would have said I would leave my marriage. I’d be crazy not to. But…[after I found out about my husband’s addiction] the Spirit told me I needed to go home. I went home and we talked more in depth about the future of us. My husband was committed to making our marriage work…. That night we fell asleep in the same bed holding hands. It’s totally crazy to me, even now, but that’s how the night ended. That was the most open our marriage had been in a very long time and so it actually brought us closer together.

Bethany talks honestly about the difficulty of having trust in her marriage violated, about how the 12-step addiction recovery program has helped her, how she faces day-to-day life in the midst of this difficult trial, how she has learned to turn this over to the Lord, and how important it has been for her to draw boundaries so she can focus on her own healing rather than take on the responsibility for her husband’s recovery.

We encourage you to read the whole interview: “When Pornography Hits Home

(Photo used by permission.)

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For information about the LDS addiction recovery program, see the following links: