Thanks to Marsha for this post, where she shares some of the musical messages that inspired her in the recent October 2010 General Conference sessions. All of this music can be heard on the General Conference music page. You can also find the full text and sheet music for each song at the music site.

~by Marsha

Many, many things in General Conference inspired me. There were so many hallmark talks that I notated at least a half dozen to study further. What I did this morning however, was a short recap of all the MUSIC. It was incredible how the Mormon Tabernacle Choir has grown and the sound they now produce. I loved the messages, and in a short-hand, capsulized some of my favorite messages in the songs.

“Guide Us, O Thou Great Jehovah” ~ Mormon Tabernacle Choir
~”We are weak, but thou art able; Hold us with thy pow’rful hand.”

“Let Zion in Her Beauty Rise” ~ Mormon Tabernacle Choir
~”Dear Lord, prepare my heart – To stand with thee on Zion’s mount”

“We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet” ~ Mormon Tabernacle Choir
~”We doubt not the Lord nor his goodness. We’ve proved him in days that are past.”

“Put Your Shoulder to the Wheel” ~ Congregation
~”The Church has need of helping hands, And hearts that know and feel.”

“Tell Me the Stories of Jesus” ~ Mormon Tabernacle Choir
~”I shall imagine his blessings resting on me
Words full of kindness, deeds full of grace, All in the love-light of Jesus’ face.”

“The Morning Breaks” ~ Mormon Tabernacle Choir
~”The clouds of error disappear Before the rays of truth divine”

“Come, Ye Children of the Lord” ~ Family Choir from Stakes in Draper and Sandy
~”When all men from sin will cease, And will live in love and peace.”

“Beautiful Zion, Built Above” ~ Family Choir from Stakes in Draper and Sandy
“~Thither I press with eager feet; There shall my rest be long”

“Lord, I Would Follow Thee” ~ Congregation
~”In the quiet heart is hidden, Sorrow that the eye can’t see.”

“Home” ~ Family Choir from Stakes in Draper and Sandy
~”Home is where the heart is And warmth and love abound.”

“Hark, All Ye Nations!” ~ Priesthood Choir from Provo MTC
“~Chosen by God to serve him below, To ev’ry land and people we’ll go”

“Go, Ye Messengers of Heaven” ~ Priesthood Choir from Provo MTC
~”Go, ye messengers of heaven, Chosen by divine command”

“High on the Mountain Top” ~ Congregation
~”We’ll now go up and serve the Lord, Obey his truth, and learn his word.”

“Called to Serve” ~ Priesthood Choir from Provo MTC
~”Far and wide we tell the Father’s story, Far and wide his love proclaim.”

“Truth Eternal” ~ Mormon Tabernacle Choir
~”Truth shall triumph as the light, Chases far the misty night.”

“Jehovah, Lord of Heaven and Earth” ~ Mormon Tabernacle Choir
~”In thy new kingdom may they stand, And own thee God and King”