While it’s always good to be careful with our resources, the need for wise financial management feels all the more important at times like this, when economic problems are widespread and felt by us all.

Please share ways you try to save money. Are you a coupon clipper? Are you cutting back in your purchases? Cooking more rather than eating out? Budgeting differently? Redefining wants and needs? Perhaps you have a tip that can benefit others. Or maybe you know of a helpful website about financial management.

Let’s help each other be wise with our resources! Click on the comments link below to share your thoughts. If you have a story to share, please consider submitting an essay to us (use either account at gmail: ‘mormonwoman’ or ‘mormonwomen’).

Here are some links to get us started….

Elder Hales talked in General Conference about being “provident providers.” He shares personal experiences from his life and lessons he learned about provident living.

The Church has an entire website devoted to the topic of provident living, including information about managing family finances, employment tips and resources (including job postings), and various other important topics.

Happily Living Within Our Means — Church members share thoughts on money management

Are You Prepared? — This article includes a list of various other articles and resources for financial management and self-reliance (food storage, etc.)