Category: Joseph Smith and the Restoration
Be a tree hugger! On earth and for heaven’s sake
by Women Seeking Christ | Sep 11, 2022 | Basic Doctrines of the Church of Jesus Christ, Family History / Genealogy, Joseph Smith and the Restoration, Temples of The Church of Jesus Christ, We believe in Jesus Christ, What We Believe | 0 |
A friend of mine shared some thoughts that have gotten me thinking. She talked about how much she...
Read MoreSeeking light
by Women Seeking Christ | May 23, 2021 | Basic Doctrines of the Church of Jesus Christ, Joseph Smith and the Restoration | 0 |
P I C T U R E T H I S You have a question, and it’s been weighing on your mind for a while...
Read MoreJoseph Smith’s claim — hilarious or true?
by Women Seeking Christ | May 1, 2016 | Joseph Smith and the Restoration, Latter-day Saints Believe in God, Latter-day Saints Believe in Jesus Christ, The Book of Mormon, What We Believe | 0 |
I really loved this simple story and wanted to share. Jim Cook, a convert to The Church of...
Read MorePraise to the Man
by Women Seeking Christ | Jun 27, 2013 | Joseph Smith and the Restoration, What We Believe | 0 |
This post is from our archives, posted two years ago on this day, the anniversary of Joseph Smith’s martyrdom. If you are unfamiliar with Mormon beliefs, we do not worship Joseph Smith, but we believe he was a prophet...
Read MoreWhy don’t Mormons practice polygamy now? (LDS belief in living prophets)
by Women Seeking Christ | Jun 11, 2013 | Ask a Latter-day Saint Woman, Joseph Smith and the Restoration, Living Prophets, More About Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, The Plan of Salvation, What We Believe | 5 |
We recently received this question from a reader. Maddie writes: Do Mormons believe that God never changes? If so, I have a question: For a long time Mormons encouraged if not required polygamy. Why have you changed and now say...
Read MorePriesthood Keys and Authority Restored
by Women Seeking Christ | Apr 26, 2013 | Joseph Smith and the Restoration, What We Believe | 0 |
When we talk of power in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we talk of something very different from how business or other organizations function. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints proclaims to the...
Read MoreAsking questions: If any of you lack wisdom….
by Women Seeking Christ | Apr 21, 2013 | Daily Life of Latter-day Saints, How We Live, Joseph Smith and the Restoration, What We Believe | 0 |
I have the opportunity to teach young women in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints every few weeks. This month, the focus in the youth curriculum is the Apostasy and Restoration. (If you are not familiar with Mormon...
Read MoreWhat Mormons believe: About grace, about baptism, about marriage (part 1)
by Women Seeking Christ | Mar 13, 2013 | Basic Doctrines of the Church of Jesus Christ, Joseph Smith and the Restoration, Latter-day Saints Believe in God, Latter-day Saints Believe in Jesus Christ, Living Prophets, The Book of Mormon, What We Believe | 2 |
We recently received this comment/question from a reader, Katie. So, I have a question about what mormons believe. Ephesians 2:8-9 says “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith- and that not from yourselves, it is...
Read MoreUnderstanding Mormon Doctrine and Beliefs through the Doctrine and Covenants
by Women Seeking Christ | Jan 13, 2013 | Basic Doctrines of the Church of Jesus Christ, Joseph Smith and the Restoration, Living Prophets, What We Believe | 2 |
~by Michelle As I sat in our Sunday School class last week, I was struck again by what a treasure the Doctrine and Covenants is to members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. But I was also struck as we read the...
Read MoreMormons Believe in Angels
by Women Seeking Christ | Dec 23, 2012 | Joseph Smith and the Restoration, Latter-day Saints Believe in God, Latter-day Saints Believe in Jesus Christ, The Plan of Salvation, What We Believe | 0 |
~by Michelle As part of our family scripture study one night this week, we sang, “Angels We Have Heard on High” and we talked a little about our belief about the reality of angels. When I consider the...
Read MoreVelvet and Steel – Joseph Smith, prophet of the Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ
by Women Seeking Christ | Jul 5, 2012 | Joseph Smith and the Restoration, What We Believe | 0 |
Joseph Smith is the prophet of this, the dispensation of the fullness of times. The Lord chose him to end the Great Apostasy and restore the Gospel of Jesus Christ—in its fullness. Like the other great men we’ve discussed, he...
Read MoreMormons believe in God, Angels, Revelation, Restoration
by Women Seeking Christ | Mar 27, 2012 | Joseph Smith and the Restoration, Latter-day Saints Believe in God, Latter-day Saints Believe in Jesus Christ, Living Prophets, The Plan of Salvation, What We Believe | 0 |
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, recently addressed students at the Harvard Law School. [Find transcript of Elder Holland’s Harvard...
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