Here’s another in our series where members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints share thoughts and experiences regarding the Book of Mormon. Today, J., age 12 shares his testimony. (Links added.)

The Book of Mormon is one of the best books I have ever read.
I know that this is a true book abridged by Mormon the prophet.
I know that it contains a record of the early people in the Americas.
I know that it contains a true record of the coming of Jesus Christ the Savior [to the American continent, after His death and resurrection].
I know that the book is true. I have received this confirmation many times.
I am so grateful for this book and everything that it has done in my life.

Mormons Believe the Book of Mormon to be scripture with the Bible


Other Book of Mormon posts in our series:

“The Book of Mormon…changed my life”

Latter-day Saint Women Write about The Book of Mormon: Amanda

“The Book of Mormon…was made for me”

What the Book of Mormon means to me