How can I contribute on Women Seeking Christ?

It’s easy — just send an email to us at [email protected] or use the form at the bottom of this page.

What can I contribute?

Feel free to browse our site to see what the different features are like. We love personal essays, photo essays, videos, poetry, quotes or scriptures that inspire you (and why), a “day in my life” post, pictures of your latest creative efforts, original music, etc. We also have a “Portraits of Mormon Women” series that lets Latter-day Saint women tell a little about themselves and what being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints means to them. If you have thoughts or experiences that can help answer questions about Latter-day Saint (sometimes referred to as Mormon) life and belief, we welcome those as well.

There are really few limitations on content, except the following:

1) You must own all copyrights to, or have permission to use, any creative works used in your submission.

2) If you share personal photos or videos, please obtain permission from any people who appear in these media before submitting them for publication at Women Seeking Christ.

3) We ask that you not use Women Seeking Christ as a place to market commercial products or services. (Incidental mentioning of resources as part of a personal story is acceptable.)

Is there anything else I need to know?

If your submission is approved for publication, we’ll let you know of the publication date.

We look forward to hearing from you! Please email us or leave a comment below if you have any questions.

And now, just a little legalese…

Women Seeking Christ is sponsored by the More Good Foundation, which has the mission of promoting  positive and accurate information about the life and beliefs of members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (sometimes called Mormons). By submitting content to Women Seeking Christ:

1. You certify that you own all intellectual property rights to all content, and that you have obtained necessary permissions from any subjects (or their legal guardians) who appear in photos, videos, etc.

2. You release to More Good Foundation, its agents, and employees all rights to store your content on More Good Foundation servers and to share your work in electronic form, including incorporating it into other current or future forms of media, including website design. Unless specifically noted in email correspondence, you waive any rights, claims, or interest you may have to control the use of same in whatever MGF websites the media is selectively used. (Non-legal note: If you would prefer that the sharing of your content be limited to Mormon Women and not released for use on other More Good Foundation websites, or if you have any other limitations you want to place on the sharing of your content, please specify that in your email with your submission.)

3. You consent that your first name and identity may be revealed in conjunction with publication of your submission and/or other MGF usage, unless you have requested to remain anonymous. (Another note: Anonymous submissions are perfectly fine. Please just be sure to clearly state that you want your name withheld.)

4. You understand that content may be edited for length, clarity, and consistency with the mission and purpose of More Good Foundation and Women Seeking Christ.

5. You understand that there will be no financial or other remuneration, now or in the future, for use of your content on Women Seeking Christ or on other More Good Foundation websites.

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