~by Michelle
I can’t even remember now how I found out about The Chosen. Have you heard of it? If not, I highly recommend it.
I have been a Christian my entire life. I love the scriptures. I love learning about Jesus.
But I haven’t always understood how, as the scripture say, to let Him carry my burdens or lighten my load. I think this has bee complicated by the fact that I have dealt with dysthymia (low-level depression) and some degree of anxiety for most of my life. I’ve struggled with perfectionism. I have understood about Jesus in my head, but haven’t always known how to access and feel and surrender to His love and help.
This is an ongoing journey for me, and God is continually helping me discover more about what it means to let Jesus into my life more fully.
The Chosen is one of the ways He is helping me.
I just re-watched what may be my favorite episode of the series so far, if it’s possible to have a favorite. Just yesterday, I was having one of those days where heaven felt far away. I have lived long enough now to know that these kinds of days come for me, and they go. As I keep showing up for my days the best I can on any given day, God always has a way of showing up, in His time and way.
Yesterday, He broke through the clouds and let me know I was seen. This sweet experience came through a conversation with a fellow traveler on the road of faith who is also seeking to understand more how to lean on God for healing help. She doesn’t practice a religion, but believes strongly in the Bible and in God. In our conversation, patterns emerged, mostly about having eyes to see — eyes to see ourselves with more love, eyes to see (and ears to listen to) others, and eyes to see how God can turn all things for our good.
So to finish my day, to let that feeling of being seen settle a little more in my heart, I watched “I Saw You” (Season 2, Episode 2). As has been the case throughout the series, I felt things beyond words, and was taught and nurtured by God’s Spirit. I’d forgotten some of what was in this episode (it’s been several months since I last watched it). It felt good to remember.
I’m grateful to those who use their talents to share their faith, to bring art like The Chosen to the world. I’m especially grateful for how this unique show helps me see and feel and experience more of what it could have been like to walk with Jesus when He was on earth — and to understand more what it can feel like to let Him walk with me in my life now.
p.s. While I was looking up the video to embed, I discovered that tonight at 8:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (1:00 a.m. on Monday, GMT) there will be an update on The Chosen‘s holiday plans. Last year’s Christmas special was incredible, and this year, from what I have heard, they have more gifts to share. I won’t be able to attend the special in-theater experience for health reasons (please be sure to mask up if you go), but I look forward to see how and when they will, as they always do, bring what they have created, to their app and YouTube channel.
Note: I receive nothing for posting about The Chosen. It’s just something I want to share.
The Nathanael episode is my favorite–because we were watching a Chosen episode each night of Home MTC with my son Nathaniel, and that was the last one we watched before he left for his mission. Jesus asks Nathanael to follow him, and says something like, “We start tomorrow!” It was a powerful moment for me and my own Nathaniel, starting his ministry on the morrow.
My daughter had and shared a special Nathaniel moment in her home MTC experience as well. Thank you for sharing this tender post. God bless your family and your son as he serves the Lord!