Come unto Christ

In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we often talk about the plan of salvation. This is the topic that the youth in the Church will be focusing throughout the month of February.

What is the plan of salvation? This index entry on the plan of salvation at gives a simple summary:

In the premortal existence, Heavenly Father prepared a plan to enable us to become like Him and receive a fulness of joy. The scriptures refer to this plan as “the plan of salvation” (Alma 24:14Moses 6:62), “the great plan of happiness” (Alma 42:8), “the plan of redemption” (Jacob 6:8Alma 12:30), and “the plan of mercy” (Alma 42:15). The plan of salvation is the fulness of the gospel. It includes the Creation, the Fall, the Atonement of Jesus Christ, and all the laws, ordinances, and doctrines of the gospel. Moral agency, the ability to choose and act for ourselves, is also essential in Heavenly Father’s plan. Because of this plan, we can be perfected through the Atonement, receive a fulness of joy, and live forever in the presence of God. Our family relationships can last throughout the eternities.

The new youth curriculum gives scriptural references that explain more about the plan of salvation, and also includes many questions that people often have that an understanding of the plan of salvation can help with. For example, see the following questions. You can follow the links for scriptures, videos, talks from Mormon church leaders, and more.

See all the videos available this month on the topic of the plan of salvation also at this Mormon Channel page.